Learning Objectives
By the end of this, you should be able to:
To understand the various factors
affecting International Human Resource Management
To understand what are the various
Staffing Policy Determinant
To understand the concept of
International Negotiation
To analyze the stages involved in
International Negotiation
To clearly define and understand
the prerequisites of an effective negotiation process
To clearly understand what are th4
various cultural problems involved in International Negotiation
To understand the determinants of
bargaining power
To understand the concepts of IPR’s
and Insurance cover.
International human resource management (HRM) involves ascertaining the
corporate strategy of the company and assessing the corresponding human
resource needs; determining the recruitment, staffing and organizational
strategy; recruiting, inducting, training and developing and motivating the
personnel; putting in place the
performance appraisal and compensation plans and industrial relations strategy
and the effective management of all
these. “The strategic role of HRM is complex enough in a purely domestic
firm, but it is more complex in an international business, where staffing,
management development, performance evaluation, and compensation activities are
complicated by profound differences between countries in labour markets,
culture, legal systems, economic systems, and the like.” It is not enough that
the people recruited fit the skill requirement, but it is equally important
that they fit in to the organizational culture and the demand of the diverse
environments in which the organization functions. The strategic HRM components
and requirements will depend on, inter alia, the organisational modes described
in the subsection Organisational Modes in the chapter on Multinational
The following are some of the important factors, which make international
HRM complex and challenging:
Differences in Labour Market Characteristics
The skill levels, the demand and supply conditions and the behaviour
characteristics of labour vary widely between countries. While some countries
experience human resource shortage in certain sectors, many countries have
abundance. In the past, developing countries were regarded, generally, as pools
of unskilled labour. Today, however, many developing countries have abundance
of skilled and scientific manpower as well as unskilled and semiskilled labour.
This changing trend is increasing significant shift of location of business
activities. Hard disk drive manufacturers are reported to be shifting their
production base from Singapore to cheaper locations like Malaysia, Thailand and
China. While in the past unskilled and semiskilled labour intensive activities
tended to be located in the developing countries, today sophisticated
activities also find favour with developing countries. The changing quality
attributes of human resources in the developing countries and wage
differentials are causing a locational shift in business activities, resulting
in new trends in the global supply chain management. India is reported to be
emerging as a global R&D hub. India and several other developing countries
are large sources of IT personnel. In short, the labour changing labour market
characteristics have been causing global restructuring of business processes
and industries. And this causes a great challenge for strategic HRM
Cultural Differences
Cultural differences cause a great challenge to HRM. The behavioural
attitude of workers, the social environment, values, beliefs, outlooks etc.,
are important factors, which affect industrial relations, loyalty, productivity
etc. There are also significant differences in aspects related to labour
mobility. Cultural factors are very relevant in inter personal behaviour also.
In some countries it is common to address the boss Mr. so and so but in
countries like India addressing the boss by name would not be welcome. In
countries like India people attach great value to designations and hierarchical
levels. This makes delivering and organisational restructuring difficult.
Differences in Regulatory Environment
A firm operating in different countries is confronted with different
environments with respect to government policies and regulations regarding
Altitude towards
The attitude of employers and employees towards employment of people show
great variations is different nations. In some countries hire and fire is
the common thing whereas in a number of countries the ideal norm is even
lifetime employment. In countries like India, workers generally felt that while
they, have the right to change organisations, as they preferred, they had a right
to lifetime employment in the organisation they were employed in. In such
situations it is very difficult to get rid of inefficient or surplus manpower.
The situation, however, is hanging in many countries, including India.
Difference in Conditions of Employment
Besides the tenancy of employment, there are several conditions of
employment the differences of which cause significant challenge to
international HRM. The system of rewards, promotion, incentives and motivation,
system of labour welfare and social security etc., vary significantly between
Staffing Policy
With reference to the choice of the nationality of the people recruited
for key management positions, there are three types of staffing policies in
international business, viz., the ethnocentric approach, the polycentric
approach and the geocentric approach. The salient features of these business
orientations have been described under the sub heading International
Orientations in chapter 1.
Ethnocentric Approach
Under the ethnocentric staffing policy, all key management positions in
the company are filled by parent home) country nationals. This approach is
regarded appropriate where the organizational mode of the company is
international (see the subsection Organizational Modes in the chapter on
Multinational Corporations for explanation of the terms international,
multinational, global and transnational). This practice was very widespread
among American and European corporations (such as Procter & Gamble and
Philips) at one time. In many Japanese and South Korean firms today, such as
Toyota, Matsushita, and Samsung, key positions in international operations are
still often held by home-country nationals.16 According to the Japanese
Overseas Enterprise Association, in 1996 only 29 per cent of foreign
subsidiaries of Japanese companies had presidents who were not Japanese. In
contrast, 66 per cent of the Japanese subsidiaries of foreign companies had
Japanese presidents?
Polycentric Approach
A company with a polycentric staffing policy recruits host country
nationals to manage subsidiaries while parent country nationals occupy the key
positions at the corporate headquarters. This approach is regarded appropriate
for multinational corporations.
Geocentric Approach
Geocentric staffing policy connotes seeking the best people from anywhere
in the world for managing the organisation. This strategy is regarded
appropriate for global and transnational corporation
Staffing Policy
The important factors influencing the staffing policy are the following.
1. The Cultural Dimension: It should be pointed out that given
the need to co-ordinate activities world-wide, and therefore the necessary
ability of foreign subsidiary top executives to communicate directly with
corporate headquarters, MNCs from some countries (e.g., Japan, South Korea,
Taiwan) may need to depend more heavily upon home-country nationals because
relatively few foreigners are fluent in the mother tongue of the home country.
In contrast, language is less likely to prove a major restricting influence on
the staffing policies of MNCs where English is the mother tongue. Japanese MNCs
have been accused of adopting very ethnocentric staffing policies, and limiting
job opportunities for non-Japanese nationals.
2. Subsidiary Characteristics: When the MNC establishes a new
subsidiary or plant, it is likely to ensure that someone already very familiar
with corporate culture heads the operation. Thus, initially the staffing policy
is likely to be ethnocentric but become less so as host-country nationals are
‘socialized’ into corporate culture.
3. Parent Company Characteristics: As indicated under the
sub-section Staffing Policy, the strategic predisposition of the MNC, in
terms of its EPRG (ethnocentric, the polycentric, regiocentric, geocentric)
profile, will influence staffing policy.
4. Host Country Characteristics: Host country characteristics like the
social environment, government policies, host country human resource
characteristics; government policies etc. also may influence the staffing
5. Costs: The cost is also an important consideration in formulating
the staffing policy when there are significant variations between nations the
salary reveals.
In a number of cases the foreign market entry and strategy implementation
involve negotiation with the government of the foreign country and / or foreign
firm. International business plans “are always often implemented through,
face-to-face negotiations with business partners and customers from foreign
countries. The sales of goods and services, the management of distribution
channels, the contracting for marketing research and advertising services,
licensing and franchise agreements and strategic alliances all require managers
from different cultures to sit and talk with one another to exchange ideas and
express needs and preferences. Executives must also negotiate with
representatives of foreign governments who might approve a variety of their
marketing actions’ or in fact be the actual ultimate customer for goods’ and
services. In many countries governmental officials may also be joint venture
partners, and in some cases vendors. Successful negotiation demands threadbare
analysis and evaluation of the commercial and their impressive presentation and
proper understanding and appreciation of the cultural nuances of the
negotiating party and skilfully navigating the negotiation process accordingly.
It is rightly said that “negotiation is both an art and a science. The science
of it requires analyzing the relative bargaining strengths of each party and
the different strategic options available to each party and assessing how the
other party might respond to various bargaining ploys. The art of negotiation
incorporate interpersonal skills, the ability to convince and be convinced, the
ability to employ a basketful of bargaining ploys, and the wisdom to know when
and how to use them. In the context of international business, the art of
negotiation also includes understanding the influence of national norms, value
systems, and culture on the approach and likely negotiating tactics of the
other party as well as sensitivity to such factors in shaping a firm’s approach
to negotiations with a foreign government
4 Cs of Negotiation
The negotiation process has been characterized as occurring within the
context of four Cs They are:
Common interests
Conflicting interests
Quite obviously, only when there are some perceived common interests that
the question of negotiating a project arises. If both parties conceive
substantial benefits from the proposal both the parties would be keenly
interested to negotiate. If the mutual benefits are very unbalanced, the extent
of interest of the parties would also vary. There are a number of possible
areas of conflict between the interests of both the parties. These include the
quantum of investment, proportion of equity participation by the two parties,
method of financing choice of technology, sourcing, local content/value
addition, and location of the project, terms and conditions of sales,
management and so on. When there is conflict it will have to be resolved by a
trade off or compromise. The trade off will be influenced by
factors such as the relative importance of the project to the negotiating
parties, the alternatives available to both the parties, their relative
bargaining power etc. There should also be proper criteria laid down for
implementation and evaluation.
Stages of Negotiation
A Negotiation normally involves the following
five stages:
1. Preparation: This stage involves background research, collection
and analysis of data and preparation of the plan and strategy for presentation
and negotiation. Understanding the cultural nuances of the negotiating party
and the dynamics and other characteristics of the negotiating team or
individual is also an essential part of this stage. It is observed that the
best negotiators are the Japanese because they will spend days trying to get to
know their opponents. The worst are Americans because they think everything
works in foreign countries as it does in the USA.
2. Non-task Sounding: This refers to the time at the
beginning of the negotiation meeting devoted to introduction and getting
acquainted. In other words it is the time spent on interpersonal relationship
building by talking subjects other than the task or business, such as personal
and family matters and general subjects of common interests. The nature of non-
task sounding may be influenced by cultural differences, For example, the non
task time is normally short in respect of the Americans who would like to get
into the business straight away quickly, but people of several cultures would
like to have long informal time. Non-task sounding is very useful. It helps one
to understand the characteristics of the persons with whom to negotiate.
“Learning about a client’s background and interests also provides important
clues about appropriate communication styles. There is a definite purpose to
these preliminary non-task discussions. Although most people are often unaware
of it, such time almost always is used to size up one’s clients. Depending on
the results of this process, proposals and arguments are formed using different
jargon and analogies. Or it may be decided not to discuss business at all if
clients are distracted by other personal matters or, if the other person seems
3. Task-Related Information Exchange: Task related information
exchange starts after establishing a good personal relationship. This stage involves
exchanging information in an effort to provide the background, establish common
facts, and set the contexts of negotiations. This stage is expected to provide
both the parties by each other with all the information required in sufficient
detail and clearly. However, cultural differences often create problems. All
the required information may not be divulged, deliberately or otherwise, the
language and expression may create problems of understanding, sometimes even
feeding misunderstanding.
4. Persuasion: This stage is characterized by attempts to make the
other party accept the counterparts desired set of exchanges. Both the parties
normally try this with each other “This
step of negotiations is considered by many to be the most important. No side
wants to give away more than it has to, but each knows that without giving some
concessions, it is unlikely to reach a final agreement. The success of the
persuasion step often depends on: (1) how well the parties understand each
other’s position; (2) the ability of each to identify areas of similarity and
differences; (3) the ability to create new options; and (4) the willingness to
work toward a solution that allows all parties to walk away feeling they have
achieved their objectives.” There may not be a clear separation between the
third and forth stages as the task-related information exchange stage may be
characterized by each side defining and refining the needs and preferences.
Persuasion requires a lot of tact based on a clear understanding of the organisational,
cultural and personal characteristics of the negotiators. 5. Agreement: The
negotiation is finally concluded if a mutually acceptable exchange is agreed
upon. As indicated in the four Cs of negotiation, conflicts of interests would
be resolved by tradeoffs or compromise leading to the agreement.
Prerequisites for
Effective Negotiation
Cateora and Graham suggest four steps which can lead to more efficient
and effective international business negotiations. They are:
1. Selection of the appropriate negotiation team.
2. Management of preliminaries, including training, preparations, and
manipulation of negotiation settings.
3. Management of the process of negotiations, that is, what happens at
the negotiation table?
4. Appropriate follow-up procedures and practices.
Cultural Problems in
International Negotiations
Important problems in international negotiations caused by cultural
differences include those pertaining to the following:
1. Language and non-verbal behaviours
2. Values
3. Thinking and decision making processes
Some problems may arise when negotiators are not able to properly
communicate in a common language. Even when the same language is used, problems
may arise due to different meanings for the same word in different cultures or
because of different connotations when used in different contexts.
Cross-cultural differences in non-verbal communication are sometimes very
perplexing. A particular gesture or symbol may have quite different
connotations in different cultures. For example, the symbol Thumps up signals
approval in the United States, Britain and Russia, but regarded highly
offensive in Iran and is considered a rude gesture in Australia. There are also
significant cross-cultural differences in values. For” example, peoples differ
in their adherence to time, promises etc. Similarly, business ethics vary
substantially. Culture can also have a significant impact on by whom and how
decisions are made. Research has identified at least three fundamental aspects
of decision making that differ significantly by culture.28 Decision by
consensus is characteristics of collectivist-oriented cultures such as
Japanese. Secondly, how decisions are made also varies by culture. One of the
key factors that influence decisions is the role of information in the decision
making process. In the United States and Sweden, managers emphasize rationality
and utilise quantitative information. By contrast, French, Italian, and
Argentinean managers emphasise past experience and qualitative information over
quantitative data in making decisions. These examples further illustrate that
the type of information that managers pay attention to and utilize in decision
making can vary. Thirdly, culture also seems to plays significant role in the
extent to which managers are comfortable in making decisions in uncertain
environments. For example, managers from the United States, Germany, and
Scandinavia seem to have the highest tolerance, while managers from Italy,
Iberia, and Japan seem to have much Lower tolerance for making decisions in
circumstances of uncertainty. These differences in tolerance can have a variety
of implications. For example, if managers from Germany and Iberia are trying to
an agreement concerning a joint venture in the context of significant
uncertainty, they may clash and differ in their willingness to make decisions.
Governmental Versus
Company Strength in Negotiations
In many instances government is a party in international business
regulations. There are several governmental factors which are difficult to
change and therefore will have to be taken as given. However, the relative
bargaining powers can influence the terms. There are two viewpoints of the
governmental authority, viz., the hierarchical view and the bargaining view.
Hierarchical view In a hierarchical view of
governmental authority, companies accept international business regulations as
“givens,” in which case they comply with, circumvent, or avoid operating
because of the regulations. Companies will comply when the regulations don’t
unduly constrain their desired mode of operations, when benefits are
sufficiently attractive in spite of regulations, and when they cannot
practically alter the regulations to their benefit. Companies will circumvent
regulations they find unacceptable through Loopholes, legal or illegal.
Avoidance is simply the reverse of compliance as a company decides not to
operate in a given locale because of its regulations
Bargaining view
The bargaining school theory holds that the negotiated terms for a
foreign investor’s operations depend on
How much the investor and host country need each other’s assets.3D If
either a company or a country has assets that the other strongly desires and if
there are few (or no) alternatives for acquiring them, negotiated concessions
may be very one-sided. The bargaining relationship between companies and
governments depends very much on whether the parties see agreements as zero-sum
(one party’s gain equals the other party’s loss) or positive-sum (both parties
have net benefits) gains. In the former, relationships may conflict because the
parties think they lose by making any concessions. In the latter, the
relationship may be seen as a partnership of cooperation and interdependence.
Determinants of Bargaining Power Negotiation are defined as “the process of
bargaining with one or more parties to arrive at a solution that is acceptable
to all.” The relative bargaining strength would, therefore, influence the terms
and conditions of the agreement. The important factors which determine the
relative bargaining power are the following:
1. Relative Importance of the Project: If the project negotiated
is very important for one party and not very important for the other, the
relative bargaining power of the former would be weak. It may be noted that the
importance may depend not only on the intrinsic value of the project
negotiated, but also on other factors such as the strategic importance of it.
For example, a project that gives an entry to a country may have a lot of
strategic importance.
2. Alternatives: The number of alternatives available
to each party is another important factor that determines the relative
bargaining power. If one party has several options (for example, several other
parties are keenly interested in the project under negotiation) and the other
party does not have this advantage, the former would have a stronger bargaining
3. Urgency: The time available for taking up and executing the
project is another influencing factor. If the time left for this is very short,
this is likely to weaken the bargaining power of the project sponsor/owner.
Longer time would facilitate exploring more alternatives and better
4. Strengths: The strengths, including reputation, is another factor
that influences the bargaining power. For example, a company, which is very
resourceful and reputed, would have greater bargaining power than one, which is
weak on these.
Company Strengths include factors such as financial soundness,
technological capabilities, previous experiences, particularly in the project
area considered, track records, business diversity (for example a host country
government may prefer company in diverse businesses, other things being equal,
because of the possibility of several businesses getting benefited in different
ways), marketing expertise, ability to export the products from foreign
investment and of others, etc. The Country Bargaining Power depends on factors
such apolitical stability, level of economic development and size of the
national market, economic policies and business friendliness of the nation, the
ability to act as a regional or global hub, etc.
International Asset
Company’s investments and other assets in foreign countries may face the
risk of expropriation. ‘Governments are therefore concerned about the
protection of the interests of their national companies in the foreign
countries. The potential risk was more before the worldwide liberalization set
in the 1980s.Important protective measures n this respect include the
Coercion and Pressure
Until the Second World War, home countries used military force and
coercion to ensure that host governments could give foreign investors prompt,
adequate, and effective compensation in cases of expropriation, under a concept
known as the international standard of fair dealing. It may be noted that the
home countries of the companies involved were developed ones and the host
countries were developing nations and these host countries had little to say
about this standard. In a two conference held at The Hague in 1930 and at
Montevideo in1933, participating developing countries got established a treaty
stating that “foreigners may not claim rights other or more extensive than
nationals.”Although military action or coercion of the old style are not much
appreciated today, developed countries still use pressure of one or other sort
to make developing countries to fall in line, such as trade pressures, aid, and
influence with international lending agencies. Further, as the dependency
theory holds, developing economies have practically no power as host countries
when dealing with MNEs. Their assets are of little importance in bargaining.
Again, MNEs can enlist the loyalties of their home governments’ local elites to
maintain their power.
Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements
There are a number of Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements, Conventions,
Treaties etc. between nations which seek to protect international assets and
rights and to settle disputes. There has in fact been a spurt in the investment
treaties (BITs).The number of BITs quintupled during the 1990s reaching a total
of 1,941 by end-2000 and shooting up to 2,099 by the end of 2001. In recent
years, the developing countries constituted the largest number involved in the
new BITs. They have also intensified the practice of concluding BIT among
themselves (66 in 2001, compared with 36 in 2000). The least developed
countries (LDCs) have also shown a keen interest in entering into BITs. A total
of 23 LDCs were involved in the conclusion of 51 BITs in 2001. Of these, 13 were
signed among the LDCs themselves, 24 with the rest of the developing world, 12
with developed countries and two with economies in transition. At the regional
and interregional levels, the number of investment-related instruments
continues to grow, especially in the form of free trade and investment
agreements. The number of bilateral treaties for the avoidance of double
taxation (DTTs) also increased, reaching a total of 2,118 at the end of 2000
and 2,185 by the end of 2001.There are several international arrangements for
settlement of disputes. The WTO now is an important international organisation
seeking to protect intellectual property rights and settle international trade
Insurance Cover
There are public and private insurers who provide insurance covers
against political risks associated with exports and foreign investments. For
example, the public sector Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India (ECGC)
provides such insurance covers. Coverage in respect of international
investments is also available through World Bank’s Multilateral Investment
Guarantee Agency (MIGA).
Protection of IPRs
Protection of Intellectual Properties (see the chapter on WTO for a
description of Intellectual Properties) has been receiving considerable
international attention. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is
an international organization dedicated to helping to ensure that the rights of
creators and owners of intellectual property are protected worldwide and that
inventors and authors are, thus, recognized and rewarded for their ingenuity.
The number of member States belonging to WIPO in 2002 was 179, which is a
reflection of the crucial importance and relevance attached to the work of the
Organisation. The roots of the World Intellectual Property Organization go back
to Paris Convention of 1883, which gave birth to the first major international
treaty designed to help the people of one country obtain protection in other
countries for their intellectual creations in the form of industrial property
rights, known as: inventions (patents); trademarks; industrial designs.
The Paris Convention entered into force in 1884 with 14 member States,
which set up an International Bureau to carry out administrative tasks, such as
organizing meetings of the member States. In1886, copyright entered the
international arena with the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary
and Artistic Works.
The aim of this Convention was to help nationals of its member States
obtain international protection of their right to control, and receive payment
for, the use of their creative works such as: novels, short stories, poems,
plays; songs, operas, musicals, sonatas; and drawings, paintings, sculptures,
architectural works.
set up an International Bureau to carry out administrative tasks.
In 1893, these two small bureaus united to form an international
organization called the United International Bureau for the Protection of
Intellectual Property (best known by its French acronym BIRP!). Based in Berne,
Switzerland, this small organization was the predecessor of the World
Intellectual Property Organization of today. As the importance of intellectual
property grew, the structure and form of the Organization changed as well. In
1960, BIRPI moved from Berne to Geneva to be closer to the United Nations and
other international organizations in that city. A decade later, following the
entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property
Organisation, (BIRPI) became WIPO, undergoing structural and administrative
reforms and acquiring a secretariat answerable to the member States. In 1974,
WIPO became a specialized agency of the United Nations system of organizations,
with a mandate to administer intellectual property matters recognized by the
member States of the UN.WIPO expanded its role and further demonstrated the
importance of intellectual property rights in the management of globalize trade
in 1996 by entering into a cooperation agreement with the World Trade
Organisation (WTO).In 1898, BIRPI administered only four international
treaties. Today its successor, WIPO, administers 23 treaties (two of those
jointly with other international organisations) and carries out a rich and
varied program of work, through its member
States and secretariat, that seeks to:
Harmonize national intellectual property
legislation and procedures
Provide services for
international applications for industrial property rights
Exchange intellectual property
Provide legal and technical
assistance to developing and other countries
Facilitate the resolution of
private intellectual property disputes
Marshal information technology
as a tool for storing, accessing, and using valuable intellectual property
The most successful and widely used of these treaties is the Patent used
of these treaties is the patent cooperation treaty (PCT), which implements the
concept of a single international patent application which has legal effect in
the countries which are bound by the treaty and which are designated by the applicant.
Once such an application is filed, an applicant receives valuable information
about the potential patent ability of his invention (through the international
search report and the optional international preliminary examinations report)
and has more time than under the traditional patent system to decide in which
of the designated countries to continue with the application. Thus, the PCT
system consolidates and streamlines patenting procedures and reduces costs,
providing applicants with a solid basis for important decision-making.
As pointed out in the chapter on WTO intellectual property is an
important concern of the WTO.
Operations ‘management is becoming increasingly global in its scope.
Operations management involves a number of strategic decisions such as make or
buy?; if buy, from where to buy?; to go for partnering or not?; in which
country and place to locate the manufacturing or other facilities; logistical
factors and so on. The business system involves the integration and management
of diverse activities. On the one extreme, a firm may undertake all of these
different activities, carrying on the whole production process and doing all
the other operations encompassing the business system. On the other extreme, a
firm can outsource most of these. Operations management, in fact, is, to a very
large extent, supply chain management. “A company’s supply chain encompasses
the coordination of materials, information, and funds from the initial raw
material supplier to the ultimate.” “The ultimate objective is to deliver
products to market with variety, responsiveness, timeliness and efficiency.
Corporate strategy must include organizing, coordinating and executing the
process of product flow as a competitive necessity and as a source of potential
competitive advantage. The strategic requirements of international business
determine the extent, characteristics and strategic direction of the supply
chain.”One of the critical considerations in the supply chain management is
make or buy. Globalization, having increased the scope of sourcing, has made
the make or buy question more relevant. The make or buy decision is influenced
by a number of factors such as organizational, technological, cost, supply etc.
Buy strategy is greatly benefited by the opportunities for global sourcing.
Buyer-supplier relationship known as partnering / relationship marketing which
is “is a process where a customer firm and supplier firm form strong and
extensive social, economic, service, and technical ties over time, with the
intent of lowering total costs and/or increasing value, thereby achieving
mutual benefit,” is emerging as a very important strategic element in
industrial marketing. In other words, the conventional win-lose approach is
giving way to a dynamic and enduring win-win mind set.
Logistics is a very important component of operations management.
Logistics encompasses the total movement concept, covering the entire range of
operations concerned with the movement of materials and products to, through, and
out of the firm to the consumer. It includes a variety of activities such as
inventory management, warehousing and storage, transportation’s, materials
handling, order processing, distribution, communications, packaging, salvage
and scrap disposal, returned goods handling, customer service etc. Location of
the manufacturing facilities is one of the most important of the global
operations management decisions. The success of a global manufacturing strategy
depends on four key factors: compatibility, configuration, coordination, and
control. Compatibility in this context is the degree of consistency between the
foreign investment decision and the company’s completive strategy.
Manufacturing Configuration refers to the strategy of centralization or dispersion
of manufacturing facilities. There are broadly three broad categories of
manufacturing configuration, viz., centralized facility, regional facilities,
and multi-domestic facilities. The choice of the configuration strategy is
influenced by several factors such as scale economies, nature of technology and
skill requirements, firm strategies such as internalization or externalization,
international orientation and the organizational mode of the company, foreign
market prospects and other characteristics etc.
Coordination and Control, which are two sides of the same coin, refer to
the integration, monitoring and taking of required actions to ensure that the
implementation of the plans progress as envisaged. The location of production
facilities of a global corporation may be influenced by a number of factors
such as the nature of organization, cost, exchange rate variations,
availability and cost of inputs (including land and infrastructure), logistical
factors, product life cycle and pattern of demand, nature of product,
government policies and regulations, social and political factors etc. The
selection of the foreign market(s) to do business is influenced by a number of
firm- related and the market-related factors. Firm related factors include the
international marketing objective, resources, mission and international
orientation of the firm. The’ market related factors may be broadly grouped
into general factors and specific factors. General factors are factors general
to the market as a whole (macro environment)whereas the specific factors are
factors which are specific to the industry concerned ( mostly micro
environment).One of the challenging areas of international human management is
the international human resource management (HRM). International HRM involves
ascertaining the corporate strategy of the company and assessing the
corresponding human resource needs; determining the recruitment, staffing and
organizational strategy; recruiting, inducting, training & developing and
motivating the personnel; putting in place the performance appraisal and
compensation plans and industrial relations strategy and the effective
management of all these.
It is not enough that the people recruited fit the skill requirement, but
it is equally important that they fit in to the organizational culture and the
demand of the diverse environments in which the organization functions. There
are several important factors which make international HRM complex and
challenging. The skill levels, the demand and supply conditions and the
behaviour characteristics of labour vary widely between countries. Cultural
differences cause a great challenge to HRM. The behavioural attitude of
workers, the social environment, values, beliefs, outlooks etc., are important
factors, which affect industrial relations, loyalty, productivity etc. A firm
operating in different countries is confronted with different environments with
respect to government policies and regulations regarding labour. The attitude
of employers and employees to towards employment of people show great
variations among different nations. Besides the tenancy of employment, there
are several conditions of employment the differences of which cause significant
challenge to international HRM. The system of rewards, promotion, incentives
and motivation, system labour welfare and social security etc., vary
significantly between countries With reference to the choice of the rationality
or the people recruited for key management positions, there are three types of
staffing policies in international business, viz., the ethnocentric approach,
the polycentric approach and the geocentric approach. Under the ethnocentric
staffing policy, all key management positions in the company are filled by
parent (home) country nationals. A company with a polycentric staffing policy
recruits host country nationals to manage subsidiaries while parent country
nationals occupy the key positions at the corporate headquarters. Geocentric
staffing policy connotes seeking the best people from anywhere in the world for
managing the organization. The staffing policy is influenced by several factors
such as cultural factors, subsidiary characteristics, parent company
characteristics, host country characteristics and cost. In a number of cases
the foreign market entry and strategy implementation involve negotiation with
the government of the foreign country and / or foreign firm. Successful
negotiation demands threadbare analysis and evaluation of the commercial and
their impressive presentation and proper understanding and appreciation of the
cultural nuances of the negotiating party and skilfully navigating the
negotiation process accordingly. The negotiation process has been characterized
as occurring within the context of four Cs, viz., common interests, conflicting
interests, compromise and criteria. A negotiation normally involves five
stages, namely, preparation, on-task sounding, task related information
exchange, persuasion and agreement. Important problems in international
negotiations caused by cultural differences include those pertaining to
language and non-verbal behaviours, values, and thinking and decision making
In many instances government is a party in international business
negotiations. There are several- governmental factors which are difficult to
change and therefore will have to be taken as given. However, the relative
bargaining powers can influence the terms. There are two viewpoints of the
governmental authority, vs. the hierarchical view and the bargaining view.
In a hierarchical view of governmental authority, companies accept
international business regulations as “givens,” in which case they comply with,
circumvent, or avoid operating because of the regulations. The bargaining
school theory holds that the negotiated terms for a foreign investor’s
operations depend on how much the investor and host country need each other’s
assets. The important factors which determine the relative bargaining power are
the relative importance of the project to each party, the number of
alternatives available to each party, time available for taking up and
executing the project, and the relative strengths. Company strengths include
factors such as financial soundness, technological capabilities, previous
experiences, particularly in the project area considered, track records,
business diversity (for example a host country government may prefer company in
diverse businesses, other things being equal, because of the possibility of
several businesses getting benefited in different ways), marketing expertise,
ability to export the products from foreign investment and of others, etc. The
bargaining power of a country depends on factors such as political stability,
level of economic development and size of the national market, economic
policies and business friendliness of the nation, the ability to act as a
regional or global hub, etc. A company’s investments and other assets in
foreign countries may face the risk of expropriation. Governments are therefore
concerned about the protection of the interests of their national companies in
the foreign countries. Important protective measures in this respect include
the use of military force, coercion and pressure tactics; bilateral and
multilateral agreements, conventions, treaties etc. between nations which seek
to protect international assets and rights and to settle disputes.
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